DUST Featured in ILSOY.org Blog

Posted on Oct 5, 2018

DUST – A Soy-Based Talc, Graphite Replacement

If you plant corn or soybeans you are either adding Talc, Graphite or Fluency Agent Advanced from Bayer Crop Science, as a lubricant. Talc is dusty, white, chalk-like material that poses a health risk if inhaled and Graphite is a dusty, black, soot-like material—both are routinely available from your equipment dealers. 

Fluency Agent Advanced is also a seed lubricant that improves planter performance while reducing the amount of DUST potentially released during planting. It is an alternative to Talc, Graphite and Talc/Graphite-blended seed lubricants. Each product reduces static friction between individual seeds and materials they touch, improving flow and singulation during planting.