Farmer Owned | Farmer Focused
Cleaner. Safer. Greener.
Replace your talc and graphite - it’s better for your bottom line, safer for your health, better for the environment!

The new, cleaner, and safer seed flow lubricant.
This patented product is your first-choice seed lubricant. DUST (Soy Protein) planter lubricant has been studied by Kansas State University. The study shows that it compares very well to other seed lubricants in terms of meter performance along with added benefits for:
- Ease of cleanup
- Reduction of dustiness
- Insecticide-free and carcinogen-free
- Reduces health risks of the farmer and environment
- Proven to reduce static
- DUST is a direct replacement for Graphite or Talc.
- Inclusion carrier technology™
In another study it has been shown to be up to 20 TIMES less abrasive to seed than Talc. The United Soybean Board has supported this product made from 100% American Soybeans with the support of farmers Soy Check-Off Dollars. This product increases demand and use for soybeans. Patent number 10,426,077
Dry Inclusion Carrier Technologies for Business to Business customers
Low Mu Tech is a manufacturer of high quality value added planter box and foliar products. DUST™ Inclusion Carrier Technology™ can carry custom ingredients and enhance your reach by making your biologicals planter box friendly.
Please contact us to start the process on custom formulating cutting edge planter box and other biological solutions to private label.
Our Vision
To provide creative and innovative solutions that farmers worldwide will embrace and recommend.
Our Mission
To create scientifically proven, cleaner, safer, greener products for agriculture!
Currently we address challenges which include:
Reduction of friction when metering seed
Reducing seed abrasion
Sustainable solutions for seed and meter lubricants
Reducing risks to farmers health from current dusty products
Success Stories
We decided at the beginning of the season to setup a comparison between the two (graphite/talc and DUST) because I was not familiar with DUST. We used graphite/talc in one hopper of the planter and we used DUST on the other. The thing that jumped out at me first was on the monitor. We could see on the DUST side of the planter a more even drop rate compared to the talc and graphite side. The next thing we noticed was the cleanliness. On the DUST side, the mini hoppers didn’t have any residue whatsoever. On the side we used talc and graphite on, it had a little build-up of graphite. When you’d fill the graphite side on a windy day, it was everywhere. The DUST side, when you’d fill it, there was basically nothing on you. It was a night and day different. It made the wife happy for sure.
David Walton | Corn and Soybeans | Wilton, IA
We’ve been using this product for the last four years now. We’ve chosen to use it over graphite. It’s cleaner, easier to use. We've seen a great improvement in emergence and stability. Clean-up is very easy. It’s not on your clothes, it’s easy to wipe off and clean-up of machinery is very easy. We take a little bit of compressed air, maybe a wire brush, and off it goes.
Daniel Braet | Corn and Soybeans | Bellevue, IA
I have used this product for 3 years, and it is fabulous. I don’t have the “dust” problems with it and the seed flows out the most even I have ever seen in my planter. I like the ease of use and how I don’t have to wear gloves and worry about getting graphite on my hands, nor worry about inhaling the graphite.
Jerry Maier | Farmer | Eagle Grove, IA
DUST worked very well in our John Deere planter. We have Precision Planting Speed Tube and we were please how it worked in this setup. The cleaner aspect of how the product handles is a major benefit. I have customers who also used it and are pleased.
David Deering | Farmer & Consultant | Postville, IA
We used DUST on corn and soybeans in a John Deere CCS Planter. I did not have any issues with bridging. It worked just as good as the 80/20 mix.
Tim Doyle | Farmer & 1st Place Category Winner State Corn Yield Contest | Franklinville, NJ
DUST made planting sweet corn almost painless in our JD 1770 24 row. The packing company’s field man was impressed!
Jason Engelby | Engelby Farms | Winnebago, MN